Sixty-four Grandmothers 

Fabric, Embroidery, Acrylic Paint, Fabric Applique’


Remembering your sixty-four grandmothers or grandfathers takes you back seven generations, including your own.  To discover your own purpose in this lifetime, you will find it is rooted in your family’s ancestors and that there is no real individualized purpose, but a family mission for which you are here to advance in your own way.  So it is good to know about your grandparents as far back as you can, seven generations, and what service they performed as clues to your fulfilment story.  You are a direct product of their DNA, and carry within you’re their afflictions, and gifts.  They are waiting for you to continue the family’s missive, clear any lineage afflictions, and use your own particular gifts to advance the family’s mission while you are in the physical world.  In doing so, they are be healed and fulfilled, as well as future children.  You have the capability of healing your family.